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SunLight General Capital’s Solar Installation at Israel Baptist Church in DC Reached....

March 25, 2019 - Washington, D.C.

SunLight General Capital and development partner Bluesource LLC began construction of a 100 kW rooftop solar array on the roof of Israel Baptist Church in Brentwood. This project is one among several other projects under development at other churches in Washington, DC, showing support from the pastoral community for renewables, distributed energy, and energy efficiency. DC has benefited over the past few years from advantageous legislation and programs to promote clean energy, resulting in significantly lower PPA rates for offtakers and driving growth for the development of solar energy in the capital.

“In addition to bringing business to our company, it has been a major part of our goals since our founding in 2009 to help religious institutions, schools and municipal buildings develop solar on their roofs and grounds. These institutions have the ability to touch a large number of people in their community, and inspire others to do what is right for our environment, and this doubles our sense of achievement,” commented Edouard Klehe, one of SunLight General Capital’s managing partners.

This solar project was jointly developed by SunLight General Capital and Bluesource. It was financed and will be operated by SunLight General Capital. SunLight General Capital has been actively working with several local communities in the DC area to develop solar projects, and we welcome inquiries about new potential opportunities.


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