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Pollination Plant Project at SunLight's Mercer County Community College Solar Panel Site

June, 2021 - Mercer County Community College

Stephen Schneider, Director of Operations at SunLight General Capital, helped facilitate a Girl Scout Gold Award Project, led by Aarushi Bansal, a member of the West Windsor, NJ community, to plant native-pollinator plants in the areas surrounding SunLight’s solar panels located at Mercer County Community College.

With the help of volunteers from Urban Promise Trenton, a non-for profit organization, Aarushi and other members of her community successfully planted nearly 100 native-pollinator plants. Aarushi hopes that this project educates members of her community and beyond about the importance of pollinator-friendly practices. Additionally, the project aims to inspire others to utilize the land surrounding solar sites.

Furthermore, Aarushi, in collaboration with Urban Promise Trenton, will host a two week educational summer program for 4-8th graders in her community to teach more about the positive effects of native-pollinator plants, as well as the benefits of solar power. During the camp, Aarushi plans to bring them to the solar site where they can help tend to the garden and see the solar panels first hand.


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