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New 256 KWDC Carport System Reduces Electricity Costs for DC Residents

June 21, 2023 - Washington, DC

On Friday, June 16th, the SunLight team joined members of Sargent Memorial, Groundswell, SunCatch Energy, and other contributors in the ribbon cutting of a new solar array located in the parking lot of a local church in Washington, D.C.

Erika Smith, the company's Director of Project Development and Operations, writes, "Too often, the savings solar affords don't reach the people who need it most... SunLight felt honored to work with Groundswell and its team to develop and finance an important project bringing savings and clean energy to the broader DC community."

The Sargent Memorial solar installation will afford clean energy savings to 73 income-qualified households. As a part of the District of Columbia's Solar for All program, the recipients of the system's energy will save approximately 50% on their total electricity bills over 15 years.

This community array is part of a significant milestone in the district's pursuit of clean energy. The number of income-qualified DC households that have transitioned to solar for free exceeded 6,000 in 2023. Small-scale community solar projects such as these not only create new opportunities for local communities but also collectively improve energy affordability and promote equitable access to environmental solutions. SunLight General Capital is proud to have financed the Sargent Memorial carport and hopes to develop more projects like this.


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